About Us
Jessica Wolk Benson is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in San Francisco, where she works with individuals and couples. Jessica brings her commitment to embodiment, authentic expression, and artful ways of telling the truth to her life as a therapist, wife, family and community member. For her, the Shadow Wedding process has ignited a passion for helping couples achieve healthy levels of attachment, skillful means of navigating difficulty, and hopefully, a loving and safe environment in which to raise families. Jessica is also a supervisor at the Holos Institute. She received her Master's in Counseling from the California Institute of Integral Studies (concentration in Somatics). For more information about her psychotherapy practice, visit experientialpsychotherapy.com.
Jim Benson is a sex and relationship coach for men and men's group leader. Jim has been coaching individuals and couples since 1998, and has over 3000 hours of coaching experience. He received his training as a professional coach from the Coaches Training Institute in San Rafael, CA, and holds the PCC (Professional Certified Coach) credential from the International Coach Federation. Jim has led workshops in communication, relationship, sexuality and intimacy in the US and abroad, both on his own and with Margot Anand (author of The Art of Sexual Ecstasy). His Awakened Masculine men's groups, started in 2003, have helped hundreds of men make positive, lasting changes in their lives. To learn more about Jim's sex and relationship coaching, visit JimBenson.net.
Learn about the three basic steps of a Shadow Wedding.